A look at 2017


2017 has been an incredible year for us all here at de Fiddes Design and whilst it has gone so fast (they say time flies when you are having fun) we have certainly packed a lot in to the year.    


Christmas as we all know is celebrated on the 25th December every year. It is a religious festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and traditionally is characterised by beautifully decorated Xmas trees, mince pies, presents and a turkey dinner. It is hopefully a time for families to come together, eat, drink and be merry. Quite often it is a time for reflection. This year I asked all the team to reflect on the year and to let me know of anything I could add into the news section for our final newsletter for 2017. Everyone had so much they could have added but I thought the most impactful was from our new team member Jen who has only been with us for a few weeks.

Jen said “I do have a moment that sticks clearly in my mind. It was during the recent refurbishment of the lobby and chapel areas at Amana Living James Brown House. I walked into the lobby to start placing furniture, and there were two female residents happily sitting in the chairs that had been left by the driver in the middle of the room. Smiling and chatting, they commented how comfortable the chairs were and asked if they needed to move. I responded by saying they could stay and natter to each other for as long as they liked and busied myself in other rooms instead. That moment is what it is all about for me and that is why I am here, creating comfortable welcoming surroundings that encourage interaction. To see a smile is rare, so those moments are particularly special.” 

I believe those sentiments are mirrored by all of us here at de Fiddes Design and we are lucky to be working in an industry that gives us joy.

We wish everyone special moments over the Christmas break and hope you have many occasions to smile and enjoy the special times.

Merry Xmas from Debbie, Erin, Vanessa, Kathryn, Christine, Anne, Amy, Samantha, Anna and our wonderful new team member Jen.

NewsAmy Bosnar