The Sense of Smell

Designing to enhance our senses is important when designing for the elderly. 

Many people living in aged care, especially Memory Support Units, miss the opportunity to utilise their senses.

The BBC has a fascinating series called “The Uncommon Senses” by Barry Smith who journeys into the human multi-sensory experience and highlights the importance of our senses and what it means to us as individuals.He explores how smell has a mainline to the emotional and memory centres of the brain.

Heston Blumenthal is featured in the series talking about food smells.  Heston recalls his childhood and says his most vivid memory is the smell of suntan lotion with olive oil and vinegar on a beach in Cornwall.  Heston is definitely the pioneer of multisensory cooking and explores how smell from food can enhance the experience of eating through the provocation of memories.

The series highlights the fact that if you don’t use smell you will lose it!!  Research has shown that by testing essential oils first thing in the morning or last thing at night the sense of smell will remain sharper for longer.  Retaining a good sense of smell keeps us more mentally agile and in tune with our emotions and memories.  This may also be better for us mentally than Sudoku or crosswords.  To listen to the fascinating series visit:

Check out these great Smell & Connect cards 

Smell & Connect Original 6 Pocket Size (Pack of 3 Sets)

3 x convenient pocket swatches containing 6 different scents:

  • Tomato Plants
  • Victoria Sponge
  • Fresh Laundry
  • Fresh Cut Grass
  • Baby Powder
  • Chocolate Orange

By resealing the 'smell stickers' correctly, each card can be used many times over.

*Please allow up to 28 days for delivery on all orders*

Shipping costs are calculated at checkout. 

Discount rates are available for large orders.  For a quote please contact our office at or phone +61 (08) 9386 9733

Scent and Conversation Story Cards - Original 6 Collection

The Original 6 Collection consists of six distinctive scent cards with key words and suggested talking points on the reverse of each card. Each scent is also accompanied by a conversation story card which uses further pictures and stories to help stimulate conversation and memories. The cards are most effective when used one-to-one or in small groups and each scent has been carefully selected to reflect topics that have happy associations.

The pack contains two cards of each smell plus a corresponding conversation story card.

6 scents:

  • Tomato Plants
  • Victoria Sponge
  • Fresh Laundry
  • Fresh Cut Grass
  • Baby Powder
  • Chocolate Orange

By resealing the 'smell stickers' correctly, each card can be used many times over.

*Please allow up to 28 days for delivery on all orders*

Shipping costs are calculated at checkout. 

Discount rates are available for large orders.  For a quote please contact our office at or phone +61 (08) 9386 9733



DesignElla McDonald