The Namaste Approach


Did you know that a large number of aged care residents have minimal interaction with others throughout the day, some as little as 2 minutes daily! Read our editorial below.

With this in mind we were very interested in attending this week ‘The Power of Touch’ by Miranda Stacpoole a nursing consultant, senior lecturer at St Christopher’s Hospice London and primary author of the Namaste Care Program.

Hosted at Bethesda hospital the seminar provided great insight into a new approach described as Namaste Care, a Hindu term meaning to honour the spirit within. The program aims to engage residents with irreversible dementia in meaningful activities twice daily, seven days a week to help bring pleasure into their lives encouraging a feeling of love and purpose with one on one interaction.

Namaste Care can take place in any designated space that helps to create a safe and comforting environment for all who enter; residents, their families and staff.

A great initiative and one we hope to see in many facilities in the future.

You can read more about the Namaste Care Program at the below links:


NewsAmy Bosnar