Stimulating environments through kinetic art!
We believe Kinetic Art is an important component in designing aged care environments both inside and outside. Often the high care needs of residents in aged care means that many are no longer mobile, therefore, how can we create an environment that is more interesting and stimulating? Kinetic Art has the potential to create new and more interactive relationships with the viewer and new visual experiences. We all observe movement so it makes sense to look at objects that move.
Kinetic Art is art which contains movement or derives an effect from motion. It has been studied in children but little is known about its effects on older people. DeFiddes has commissioned this exciting piece to the right and is looking to undertake trials to evaluate its effectiveness in residential aged care environments.
If you are interested in having the sculpture on loan at your facility and participating in the study, please contact Deb or Sam at de Fiddes Design.
Kinetic Art encompasses a wide variety of techniques and styles, with moving parts that are generally powered by wind, a motor or the observer. Kinetic Art often integrates a flow of coloured water, mercury or oil. When liquids and gases are used as components the shapes and dimensions of the sculpture may undergo continual transformations. Pneumatic inflation and deflation or the movement of masses of bubbles all serve as a medium for kinetic sculpture. Kinetic Art has been around for a very long time; probably the earliest example of artistic kinetics would be the simple wind chime, which was in use at least 5000 years ago throughout Southeast Asia.
Perhaps instead of defining Kinetic Art with words we should define it with the examples below along with corresponding links that will show you some of the most wonderful mesmerising effects of kinetic sculptures. Be prepared to lose at least a few minutes of your day staring at these immensely beautiful creations.