Adaption leads to Innovation! Facility Fit-outs from Isolation

Strange times equal exciting ideas.

Innovating so we can keep giving out our specialised work became one of the most rewarding goals during the heights of isolation. We were (and are!) determined to not let anything stop us from continuing our work. So the question got asked:

How do we (Dementia Specialist Designers and Educators) do a Aged Care fit out from Perth, when the facility is in Melbourne?

The answer:
Seeing as the show must go on, we decided to do some highly successful and entertaining video fits outs such as St Bernadette’s. Armed with cameras, fast internet and eagle eyes we did the entire facility remotely. Thank you delightful Georgie for being patient while we verbally directed and arranged each detail!

Watch this space! As the Gallery is being updated now!

Amy Bosnar