8 Ways to giving back during Christmas


While giving back to the community is important all year round, Christmas is the season of giving, and so it is important to make an extra effort to help those in need.
Whether it’s through donations, supporting someone that will be alone, or putting in some volunteer work. Giving some of your time or money during the holidays can make an incredible difference in someone else’s life.
We asked our amazing team at de Fiddes Design Perth how they give back during the festive season, and were excited to see that they are gorgeous individuals so full of love and inspiration!

Read on to find out more and get inspired:

Debbie: Giving back to us is important not only at Xmas but all through the year but I guess particularly at Xmas we like to give to The Salvation Army.  They are a wonderful organisation and have what they call “Salvos Wishes Gift Catalogue” which includes 12 different types of gifts and we contribute to them all.  It’s times like Xmas that make you realise how lucky you are

Sam: Kmart’s Wishing Tree Appeal – We are now entering our 23rd year supporting this appeal.  My daughter chooses presents that she likes each year, so I figured that would work for the recipient of a similar age!

Erin: By maintaining a sustainable and conscious life style. Sharing the good information and donating to regular charities as well as connecting and supporting family and friends.

Vanessa: Usually put something in one of the supermarket collections or Salvos.  Plus of course generously donating to the various retail outlets frequented during this period.

Bree: This year I will be donating a plate to Mission Australia’s ‘Christmas Lunch in the Park’.

Amy: We donate each year to the Perth Children’s Hospital Christmas Party. A tradition we hope to carry on for many years to come.  

Sam R: Oxfam Christmas Shop- Each year we buy a few unwrapped gifts from the Oxfam shop for families living in poverty, such as a Christmas goat or chicken J

Mollie: Every year I donate food, so that others can have a Christmas feast.

Feeling inspired and want to donate to one of the charities mentioned above? Click below:

Salvation Army | Kmart’s Wishing Tree Appeal | Mission Australia | Perth Children’s Hospital | Oxfam