Hey Google, Play Me A Song


Our theme this month is ‘identity’ so how does that translate into product or design in a residential aged care facility?

At de Fiddes Design we look at it from two aspects - how do you design spaces that identify with so many different residents living under one roof? Secondly, what type of product can be offered to help with identity or personalisation?

Firstly, in a general sense we design common spaces throughout a facility with a particular lifestyle in mind such as music, art, gardening etc. and that allows a resident to gravitate to a space that they identify with within the person’s room (home) it is about ensuring that they have enough spaces and clever wall designs to display items that they identify with. Having our own personal belongings around us helps us identify with our life and who we are.

Secondly, technology is a way to help someone to connect with their identity such as “Hey Google”

Whilst many of you think Google Technology is too difficult for a resident to navigate, it does allow staff or family the ability to set things up to suit the individual. Which means you can get hands free help to do things such as play music, podcasts, radio, and stream videos to your TV with a simple voice command. Imagine if Sir Paul McCartney was in your facility, how easy would it be to walk in to his room and say “Hey Google play me the Beatles”!

There is no doubt that technology in the future is going to expand our options to explore identity. Already technology has explored products that allow us to individualise spaces in your favourite colour but perhaps that’s another article for another day.