Posts tagged residential aged care
Be Inspired with these Gorgeous Bathrooms!

Since we are all spending a lot more time in the bathroom these days, it only made sense to inspire ourselves and each other with these gorgeous spaces.
Practicing hand hygiene has never been more stylish!

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Hug by Laugh Project

Emotional Support is critical for all of us. One of our most basic needs as human beings is connection with other people and we know that when you enter residential aged care quite often that connection is limited.

Recently we were sent some information on a wonderful sensory device called HUG by LAUGH® We all know how important it is to receive a hug and how that makes you feel.

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Hey Google, Play Me A Song

Our theme this month is ‘identity’ so how does that translate into product or design in a residential aged care facility?

At de Fiddes Design we look at it from two aspects - how do you design spaces that identify with so many different residents living under one roof? Secondly, what type of product can be offered to help with identity or personalisation?

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Review: Arts on Prescription

Arts on Prescription was a HammondCare led and Australian government funded evidence based program informed by similar initiatives in the UK.  This uses a participatory art approach alongside traditional health care approaches to improve the physical and mental well-being of older people.  It is different to diversional therapy.  Read on to find out more and to get your copy of the free guide on using Arts on Prescription in aged care!

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