Review: Arts on Prescription

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” Thomas Merton. Read our review below.

Arts on Prescription was a HammondCare led and Australian government funded evidence based program informed by similar initiatives in the UK. 

This uses a participatory art approach alongside traditional health care approaches to improve the physical and mental well-being of older people.  It is different to diversional therapy. 


Loneliness and social isolation is a growing concern for older people – even for those living in communal environments such as residential aged care. Arts on Prescription is an opportunity to create new social connections as it involves professional artists running small and meaningful groups at the facility over a ten week period to achieve personal and group goals. The art medium and the process is shaped by these goals and interests of the group members.

Click the link for a comprehensive guide on Arts on Prescription – is it the next program you could introduce at your facility in 2019?
