Sounds of the Forest


Close your eyes for a moment and listen to the world around you. If you’re outside, you can likely hear a range of sounds - the wind, traffic or snippets of conversations. Prompted by international hearing day on March 3rd, we are exploring sound and its important role in everyday life, for enjoyment and communication or for alerting us to danger.

This beautiful shot is inspired by Sounds of the Forest, a collection of sounds of woodlands and forests from all around the world. The sounds form an open source library, for anyone to listen to and create from.

The growing soundmap aims to bring together aural tones and textures from the world’s woodlands. Selected artists will also be responding to the sounds to create music, audio, artwork or other creative forms to be presented at the world Timber Festival 2021.  

Have a listen here.

Happy listening!

InspirationAmy Bosnar