Posts tagged Design
Virtual Reality Goggles for Dementia Therapy

Stimulating activities come in all shapes and sizes. Virtual Reality is all the rage right now and it’s positives for aged care includes conversation starters, movement, memory and exploration. We have found a great headset with specialised content for aged care from an Australian company - NeuronsVR.

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deFiddes Design on ABC News Sunday!

Last night on ABC News Sunday was our very own CEO, Deb de Fiddes, who says, "Showing the virtual reality goggles to dementia residents at SwanCare Kingia was an amazing experience for the residents, staff and especially for me. It created some great conversations and the expressions on their faces makes what we do all worthwhile".

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Signs Can Save Lives - Wayfinding Educational Piece

Following on from last month, we often take simple things for granted, such as knowing our way around our home or understanding where the bathroom is located. Let’s then consider an elderly person with dementia who is living in a new and unfamiliar environment; finding something as simple as a toilet outside their own bedroom can be a real problem. 

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